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Sunday, 12 September 2010

First Step: Find out what it's all about

Faceless Bureaucrat: To say I know nothing about trading is an overstatement.  It's got something to do with markets and stocks and shares I believe.  I understand they label things with animal names but haven't a clue why...bulls....bears....what's that got to do with the price of bread?  I have to find out more before I do anything with my little pot of gold.  Faceless bureaucrats like me don't step out into the unknown without a spot of training so I google training in stocks and shares and book myself onto a free 2 hour seminar run by one of the many companies offering such things.  This one's soon and its local and they look ok.  I promise myself I won't make any rash decisions or spend any money....


  1. Brilliant - you could just as easily be a GP starting on the journey to becoming a world class commissioner!! Just remember that if you're using nhs funds to start the trading account you should use a pseudonym!!

  2. Hey Stuart! Spot on - and I know a few GPs who are staring down that very road - only we mustn't refer to it as world class commissioning any more as you know doubt know these words are now Completely Out Of Fashion in NHSspeak and liable to render one subject to a frontal lobotomy, without anaesthetic. And don't worry, no NHS funds in the trading account...yet ;)

  3. Good that you're looking up about it first, it's a lesson to all of us!
    For example with fashion and the new trend of flares: do not spend money on them until you are sure they are worth the price and the trend will last!

  4. What an interesting comparison Ruby, thanks. And I'll bear in mind the advice about flares. It's not a purchase I've really considered though as I remember them the first time round and how we felt about them when they went out of fashion...
