Faceless Bureaucrat: Am still recovering my breath after being taken on a journey of discovery by a fit young Australian chap called Craig. About half my age but hey, even Faceless Bureaucrats can appreciate a man who knows his bulls from his bears. And the leverage...well I never...
Suffice to say, I do now understand that bull markets are when things are looking up and bear markets are the opposite. And traders apparently say "When bulls go up the stairs, the bears jump out of the window". I make a mental note to wait until after the bears and take a soft landing. But this little ditty tells you more than that bull markets go up and bear markets down, it also tells you that when the market goes up it generally goes up in relatively slow stages like steps but when it drops it really goes - or "tanks" the traders like to say. So actually you can make money a lot faster in a bear market.
And apparently you can make money from prices going down which seems odd, particularly since you don't actually own the thing that's going down in value, you just borrow it from some obliging chap and sell it whilst he's not looking. Then when the price goes down you buy it back more cheaply and slip it back to the chap before he's noticed. I thought these trading guys were all sharp as Katie Price's nails but clearly some of them are not paying attention.
I learnt so much on my free seminar and am anxious to share more but as the NHS is, at present, still requiring my services I am back on duty to put in the hours I took off for that long and eventful lunch break.
It's interesting to learn about the bulls and bears. Quite a good metaphor!
Thanks for the comment Ruby. Yes I think it's a good metaphor too, hence the generally used term "bullish" for someone who thinks things will be OK.