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Monday, 5 September 2011

Moving onwards (and hopefully upwards)...

Faceless Bureaucrat:  On Friday I passed the point at which my redundancy package flips from being worth absolutely zilch to being worth nearly two year's pay.  I was also told earlier in the week that the local NHS has approved this hefty redundancy package for me in anticipation of chucking me out, so I'm rather more relaxed these days.  The end of month sees my NHS career drawing to a close and a new chapter opening.

Those who have gone before me tell me it's a tough job market at the moment.  So it's just as well I'm not looking for a job.  Well of course I am for redundancy eligibility purposes but between you and I....not bloody likely.

Last time I blogged I mentioned my youngest daughter, Ruby, and her determination and discipline in getting the GCSE grades she wanted to get into the sixth form of her choice.  We shopped for her new school uniform the other day.  I think she may have had an identity crisis in relation to her size/age during the trip.  We came away with a jumper for a 40 inch chest and a skirt for a girl aged 9.  But hey, this is a girl who is starting a career in fashion and somehow when she put the outfit on it worked.  But you have to be 16 to get away with this combo.

Bad Assed Trader:  The other good news from my alter ego is that finally I have managed to find the strength to embark on my overdue analysis...of the last 200 trades.  The Faceless Bureaucrat in me provided admin support to the process by developing action plans and setting out tiny steps with rewards and punishments (we call it "incentivising" in the NHS) to get me started and it seems to have worked.  I have made a flying start and already qualify for 3 "treats" as I've managed to plough through nearly a quarter of the lot in one day, well ahead of schedule.

As I work my way through the process it reinforces for me what I do well and what I do badly when trading, it's all about raising my awareness to help me improve my skill.

And so Autumn falls upon us, things are moving on...

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