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Saturday, 28 January 2012

Wrestling with Demons

Bad Assed Trader:  Just about every trader has "draw down" months when their account dips. When I first started trading just about every month was a draw down month and I wasn't too bothered because I was learning rather than earning and it was generally expected.

But this month, and indeed last week in particular, has been really tough.  Having had 3-4 months of making money it is that much harder to take the draw down month.  You start to think: was it all an illusion?  Is it all just completely random?

The little voice in your head that constantly seeks to do you down, to undermine your confidence, pops up with the volume turned up.  It tells Bad Assed Trader that she's still just a Faceless Bureaucrat really and only thinks she's a trader.  Just playing at it.  That there's no consistency and how can she plan a future on that?

Those are the demons we face as traders.  Our own doubts and fears.  Just suppressing them isn't good enough.  They still lurk and create pain instead of words when you sit on them.  They find ways to control you and without awareness of what they are and why they are there we are just controlled by them like puppets.  We have to face them. Shine a light on them and expose them for what they are: doubts and fears, normal human emotions to work through.

I have sat on them too long this month and it's not helped.  My good intentions to meditate and try a variety of mind training techniques have fallen by the wayside somewhat as my confidence has ebbed.  When the doubts and fears start the typical reaction is to cram more into the day to cover up the noise rather than give space for them to vent themselves.  When you create a still moment and images of walking a tightrope spring into your mind your immediate reaction is to feel fear.  This happened to me during my mind training last week.  I'm not yet in the place where I note that with curiosity and explore it, but I intend to get to that place.  My initial reaction was to dismiss the fears that image was expressing but this is simply batting away the emotions and doesn't work: they need to be faced.
Getting to the root of the feelings

Most of this has happened below the radar, I haven't really been aware of it.  But as I stop and reflect I realise that these feelings have been present and growing whilst I sat on them.  I understand that the only way to tackle these feelings is to address their root.  I  need to go back over all those trades and determine what was actually going on.  Was it that I broke my rules?  If so which ones and why?  If not, was it that the market conditions were different - it certainly felt that way. And if neither of the above was it just the market randomness which is trading and which I have to fully come to terms with if I am to make it as a trader.

I have to give full scrutiny to know whether the fault line is with me, my strategy in current conditions or with the market itself.  Only when I have diagnosed this can I put these doubts and fears to bed.

And next time I can't leave it as long to address the rising doubts and fears.  I need to have a better grip, to be on top of my performance and know exactly what is causing any losses: me, my strategy or just the market.  This is my second new year's resolution. And back to the mind training: not just learning it but actually applying it - notice my feelings from the moment they become a minor source of discomfort and work through them thoroughly.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Training the Mind for Trading

Bad Assed Trader:  It's been a bit of a frustrating week.  Firstly I broke a rule on Tuesday and deleted a short trade on GBP CHF when news started taking price action the other way.  Of course I deleted just before price then turned and went all the way to my target.  So that's another reminder to not many times have I had that lesson now??

Then I got kept in on a short trade on the Swiss Yen (CHF JPY) by spread when price dipped all the way to one pip below my target and then turned and went all the way to my stop loss on Thursday.

Thirdly, on Friday,  I was then taken out of a EUR CAD short trade when price went one pip above my stop loss and then tanked to way beyond my target.

Well, I've gone over the trades to learn from them as usual but I know that the trade deletion is my worst sin of last week and it was because I was spending too much time watching the trades I had on which is a complete and utter waste of time and does me no good but plenty of harm.  So it has to stop.

Which means more time for my mind training which I blogged about last week.  I can't give much feedback yet about how effective the tools I'm using are because it's very early days but I'll give you some information about them.

My first tool is meditation, I drafted my own script and recorded myself on my iPhone reading the script with some lovely relaxing and uplifting music playing in the background.  The first time I listened I felt very sleepy afterwards but I'm getting used to it now and get into the rhythm of it very quickly.

The second tool I'm using is called MindMaster and uses subliminal techniques to directly target the unconscious part of your brain.  You're fully in control as you can write/amend the messages or choose the pictures which then flash on your computer screen so quickly you can't really see them.  I've already got this flashing away with affirmations and of all the tools I have to say this is the easiest one for the laziest people!  But I had to pay a few dollars for it.

The third tool I'm using is Neuro Sculpting.  I'm working through a free seven day programme to increase my concentration levels, my ability to focus and better control over my mind.  This is a very practical tool and seems to make sense.

The exercises are not easy (for example, time how long you can gaze at a spot on the wall without doing or thinking about anything else - who said we redundant public servants have nothing to do all day...?) but they do give you insight into how much chatter is going on in your head and how hard it is to control your mind and really focus.  You may think it sounds boring but it still beats a lot of the meetings I had to attend during the time served in the NHS...

I confess that I haven't actually started to use the fourth tool yet despite the nice chap who sent it to me (again for free) sending me a follow up email offering a free telephone consultation to discuss how well I'm doing with it.  And it looks useful too.  I picked it up at MarketPsych which seems a really interesting website.

There are three initial, simple exercises.  The first one involves setting an alarm to go off at some random point whilst you're trading at which time you must focus on how you're body is feeling, notice the sensations (eg tension, breathing, posture) and write them down.  The second exercise is the same but you do this for your emotions instead of your physical sensations.  In the third you have to focus on your thoughts.  There's much more to it and the tool takes you forward through it but it seems to be written by people who do understand traders.

So, having set up my new routine for each day of 2012 I've reflected on my progress so far.  It's not been too bad but I have struggled to do as much reading, mind training and historic trading analysis as I had planned.  So I've revised my timetables.  I know that once the computer is on I get drawn into watching trades so I now have clear "computer on" and "computer off" times which I must enforce.  This will give me more space to do the other things.

My aim is to shine a light on the deeper parts of my mind to become more aware of what's lurking there and to expand the amount of control I have over it.  This does not mean suppressing emotions - far from it.  I intend to notice them more, acknowledge and accept them, and then move forwards with awareness.
Shining a light on the unaware parts of my mind (ie most of it...)

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Trading New Year Resolution: Putting the Plan into Action

Bad Assed Trader:  So it's the start of a New Year.  What's my resolution for 2012?  I pondered over this and decided on a pragmatic goal and it's one I've already made considerable progress on.  This is because it's something I like doing, that fits with my personality and interests and is fairly easy for me to achieve.

Whoever said life had to be hard?

My resolution is to bring more structure and balance into my daily routine.  The Faceless Bureaucrat that still lurks within me asks "How will you know when you've got there?" whenever Bad Assed Trader sets a goal.  So I started my resolution by setting myself a daily routine for each different day of the week which includes the balance and structure I want to achieve.

I've typed it all up and now have a little checklist for each day (yup, the Faceless Bureaucrat lives on...) so that I can tick when I have successfully followed my plan of balance and structure.  It's a default plan and it's ok for me to deviate in exceptional circumstances and I know what those are.  I like this sort of check list so I know I'll be well motivated to follow it and as I started it on Jan 2 and have pretty much followed it to the hour already I'm fairly confident it'll be a success.

For example, today (Sunday) is a relatively restful day and had 2 hours of historic trading analysis in the morning (when everyone else in the house is asleep) and 2 hours of future trade planning in the evening.  Apart from half an hour of "mind training" (more on that shortly) the rest of the day is earmarked for "family time" - which means time with my darling daughter and/or time with my fabulous husband or just time with me: reading or whatever.

An example of a more full-on work day would be Thursdays.  The routine starts at 6.30am.  There's 30 minutes of this mysterious mind training (isn't the anticipation building up on this now....?) then two hours current trading analysis (includes actually placing trades), an hour of reading of trading books followed by an hour and a half of historic trading analysis.  Lunch at 12 for 30 minutes followed by an hour of current trading analysis and 30 minutes catching up on emails and then I'm off to the gym and relax for 2.5 hours.  Another hour of current trading analysis on my return and then family time from 5.30pm.

By planning out my daily routine I get to set my own agenda and make sure I'm covering the areas I want to.  I felt I was spending too much time looking at the current charts and not enough time stepping back and analysing my previous trades to see what I was doing well/not well.  I also wanted to factor time in to read some of the many trading books I have now got after circulating my wish list to my family before Christmas.

I've been working my way through Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques which is an amazing and fascinating book my step daughters kindly gave me for Christmas.  They also gave me New Market Wizards which has been a rather lighter read for me when I've had a spare minute.

My Dad gave me Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom and The Psychology of Trading.  This second book is by Brett N Steenbarger who also wrote The Daily Trading Coach which is an absolutely excellent book and I can't recommend it enough.

My sister gave me Animal Spirits and Fooled by Randomness which were both recommended to me by traders at the centre where I've trained to be a trader.

So plenty of reading to get through.

But what about this "mind training" business??!

Well this is really part of my resolution, to develop better focus and concentration.

Bear in mind I have a degree in Applied Psychology and have recently qualified with a diploma in Executive Coaching and then you won't be so surprised to learn that I have an interest in training the subconscious mind to support my trading development.

I did a bit of research on the internet and came up with four tools which I am using, coupled with my own meditation routine which I've recorded on my iPhone and lasts nearly 20 minutes.

And just to build the suspension even further I'm going to love you and leave you now and cover the Mind Training in my next blog.  By then I should be able to give you more feed back about the impact the various tools are having on my Bad Assed Faceless Bureaucrat Brain.
Shaping up the Brain for 2012 Trading...